# Salus Overview

Salus (Security Automation as a Lightweight Universal Scanner), named after the Roman goddess of protection, is a tool for coordinating the execution of security scanners. You can run Salus on a repository via the Docker daemon and it will determine which scanners are relevant, run them and provide the output. Most scanners are other mature open source projects which we include directly in the container.

Salus is particularly useful for CI/CD pipelines because it becomes a centralized place to coordinate scanning across a large fleet of repositories. Typically, scanners are configured at the repository level for each project. This means that each repository must be updated when making org-wide changes to how the scanners are run. Instead, you can update Salus and all builds will instantly inherit the change.

Salus provides extensive configurations that allow for global defaults and local tweaks. Finally, Salus can report metrics on each repository, such as what packages are included or what concerns exist. These reports can be centrally evaluated in your infrastructure to allow scalable security tracking.

# Quick Start

Docker is required to run Salus. The dependencies for the project are stored on a docker container, which helps reduce the number of steps required to run Salus.

Check out the Getting Started Guide for detailed instructions or continue here for a more condensed process

# Installation

Docker is available on different operating systems. You can install the appropriate version for your operating system on the Docker website

Docker website

Installing Docker with Homebrew
brew install docker

Install Docker for Windows

Install Docker for Linux

All Set! you are now ready to run Salus

# Running Salus

Navigate to the root directory of the project you want to run Salus on

cd /path/to/repo

Run the following line in the root directory (No edits necessary). This will run the latest Version of Salus.

docker run --rm -t -v $(pwd):/home/repo coinbase/Salus

Running specific versions of Salus is also possible. All you need to do is provide the version tag

Running Salus Version 2.17.6
docker run --rm -t -v $(pwd):/home/repo coinbase/Salus:2.17.6

# Supported Scanners

Salus serves as an orchestrator for security scanners. Salus triggers the appropriate scanners if a project meets a scanner's requirements

Salus currently supports the following open-source scanners:

Scanner Description
Bandit This scanner executes Bandit 1.6.2 which looks for common security issues in Python code.
Brakeman This scanner executes Brakeman 4.10.0 which looks for vulnerable code in Rails projects.
semgrep This scanner executes semgrep 0.62.0 which looks for semantic and syntactical patterns in code at the AST level.
BundleAudit This scanner executes bundle-audit 0.8.0 which looks for CVEs in ruby gem dependencies.
Gosec This scanner executes gosec 2.11.0 which looks for security problems in go code.
npm audit This scanner executes npm audit 6.14.8 which looks for CVEs in node module dependencies.
yarn audit This scanner executes yarn audit 1.22.0 which looks for CVEs in node module dependencies.
PatternSearch This scanner executes sift 0.9.0 which looks for certain strings in a project that might be dangerous or could require that certain strings be present.
Cargo Audit This scanner executes Cargo Audit 0.14.0scans Cargo.lock files for crates with security vulnerabilities reported to the RustSec Advisory Database

# Additional Scanners

In addition to the open-source options, Salus also provides its own scanners as well.

Scanner Description
GradleOSV Finds vulnerable dependencies in a Gradle project. By default, GradleOSV Scanner pulls advisory information from OSV - Database for open source vulnerabilities to compare against the dependencies found by running gradle dependencies.
GoOSV Finds vulnerable dependencies in a Golang project. By default, GoOSV Scanner pulls advisory information from OSV - Database for open source vulnerabilities to compare against the dependencies found in go.sum.
MavenOSV Finds vulnerable dependencies in a Maven project. By default, MavenOSV Scanner pulls advisory information from OSV - Database for open source vulnerabilities to compare against the dependencies found in pom.xml.
PythonOSV Finds vulnerable dependencies in a Python project. By default, PythonOSV Scanner pulls advisory information from OSV - Database for open source vulnerabilities to compare against the dependencies found in requirements.txt.
Dependency Scanners These scanners are used to report modules or dependencies found in a project. Salus currently has scanners for the following languages: Ruby, Node.js, Javascript,, Python, Go, Rust, Rust, Swift
Language Version Scanners This scanner checks whether repository's programming language version is within the range of configured versions.
Package Version Scanners These scanner checks whether repository's package version is within a range of configured versions. This allows you to block certain versions of a package or dependency in your project.

# Configurations

Salus is highly configurable to work in different environments and with different scanners. It supports environment variable interpolation and cascading configurations and can read configuration and post reports over HTTP.

Sometimes it's necessary to ignore certain CVEs, rules, tests, groups, directories, or otherwise modify the default configuration for a scanner. The scanner configuration documentation explains how to do so for each scanner that Salus supports.

# Development 👷♂️

Contribution to this project is extremely welcome and it's our sincere hope that the work we've done only serves as a foundation for allowing the security/development communities to come together to improve the security of everyone's infrastructure.

You can read more about getting your development environment set up, or the architecture of Salus.

# Releases

The entire release archives of Salus is available on Github

# License 📃

This project is available open source under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.