# Salus Configuration

# Providing Configuration to Salus

Salus supports multiple methods of parsing config files.

# Overriding the Default Configuration

Salus uses a default configuration if no other configuration is provided. This helps prevent misconfigurations that might result in silent failures.

The easiest way to provide custom configuration to Salus is to put a salus.yaml file in the root of the project that is being scanned. This will automatically be read by Salus and any configurations given will overwrite the default configurations.

Running the command below will use your salus config file (salus.yaml) if it is present

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/home/repo coinbase/salus

# Using a Local Configuration File

If you have a configuration file in the root in a different folder within the Project, you can point to it with the --config flag (or -c). For example, if you had the configuration file at the location ./tests/salus-config.yaml you can use the following command.

Running Salus with a Config file located in the tests folder
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/home/repo coinbase/salus --config file://tests/salus-config.yaml
Running Salus with a Config file located in the root directory
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/home/repo coinbase/salus --config file://salus-config.yaml

# Using a Remote Configuration File

Salus also supports remote configuration files that can be fetched over HTTP. This is particularly useful for organization-wide configurations that are centralized.

Running Salus with a Config File located at a URL
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/home/repo coinbase/salus --config https://salus-config.internal.net/salus.yaml

# Using Multiple Configuration Files (Cascading Configurations)

You can append multiple configuration files by listing the configuration URIs in order of ascending precedence.

Salus merges the Hash in the configuration files and the keys are preserved but values are overwritten. A space (" ") is used to delimit each configuration file.

Running Salus with 2 Config Files
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/home/repo coinbase/salus --config \
"file://tests/salus-config.yaml file://local-salus-config.yaml"

When using a global configuration provided over HTTP, you might still want to modify Salus for special cases relevant only to the scanned repository.

Running Salus with 2 Config Files
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/home/repo coinbase/salus --config \
"https://salus-config.internal.net/global.yaml file://local-salus-config.yaml"


A third method of providing configuration URIs is via the environment variable SALUS_CONFIGURATION. If this envar is set, it will take precedence over the flag URI.

# Salus Configurations Options

Each configuration file should be valid YAML and may contain the following values.

# active_scanners

Lists which scanners should run. These scanners are only triggered if they are relevant to the project.

  - PatternSearch
  - Brakeman
  - BundleAudit
  - NPMAudit

String value of "all" or "none" which are placeholders for the config to use all Salus Scanners or none of them.

No Scanner set as an active scanner
active_scanners: none

All Salus Scanners are set as active scanners. Each scanner will execute if the source code requires that scanner

All Salus Scanners are set as active scanners
active_scanners: all

# builds

Hash with build info. This config option can contain arbitrary keys.

  url: "{{BUILD_URL}}"   # See Envar Interpolation section
  service_name: circle_ci

# cascade_config

Cascade_config contains available settings to control how multiple configuration files are cascaded

When cascading configurations this option determines if arrays values for the same key should be combined.

Having this option set to false would use the array values in the config file with the highest precedence when multiple config files configure the same option.

When this option is true, the values for conflicting options will be merged

For example if you had two configuration files

  - Semgrep
  - BundleAudit
  - NPMAudit

Running Salus with the command

salus-config1.yml has a higher precedence than salus-config2.yml
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/home/repo coinbase/salus --config \
"file://salus-config2.yaml file://salus-config1.yaml"

The configurations for active_scanner in salus-config1.yml would override the configurations for active_scanners in salus-config2.yml

The following sample shows how to configure this option

Array Values for conflicting keys will be merged
  combine_arrays: true

# custom_info

Used in the report for any additional information that the consumer of the Salus Report might use.

custom_info: "PR-123"

The user can define what values are stored here. The Information listed in here shows up in the exported Salus Report

User Defined Keys
  field1: 1
    - field: Hello
JSON output in salus report
"custom_info": {
    "field1": 1,
    "field2": [
        "field": "Hello"

# enforced_scanners

enforced_scanners are scanners that cause Salus to fail if the scanner fails. Controlling this list will allow you to choose which scanners must pass for a CI environment to show a successful build. It can allow you to run new scanners in test mode while being tuned or rolled out across a fleet of builds.

By default, Salus enforces all scanners which we deem to have low false positive rates. Strong defaults lower the risk of misconfiguration that could fail closed if the configuration was necessary to ensure certain scanners pass. Other scanners may need to graduate from the testing phase or should only be enforced explicitly by custom configuration.

The following sample shows how to configure this option

  - PatternSearch
  - Brakeman

# project_name

Used in the report to identify the project being scanned.

project_name: "my-repo"

# reports

reports : Array

Each entry in reports must contain keys for uri and format. This help define where to send Salus reports and in what format.

Defines where to send Salus reports. This is a required configuration for the reports option

The value can point to either the local file system or remote HTTP destinations.

Salus Report is sent to a remote destination
  - uri: https://salus-config.internal2.net/salus-report
    format: json
Salus Report is sent to a local file at ./result.json
  - uri: file://result.json
    format: json
Salus Report is sent to multiple destinations
  - uri: file://result.json
    format: json
  - uri: https://salus-config.internal2.net/salus-report
    format: json

This option defines what format to export salus reports. This is a required configuration for the reports option The available formats are:

  • json
  • yaml
  • txt
  • sarif
  • cyclonedx-json

is an optional key and defaults to false.

Each report hash can add post parameters using the post option

Options Description
salus_report_param_name Salus reports can be sent as a report parameter by specifying the parameter name in salus_report_param_name. when this is not defined, the salus report will be located in the body of the request sent
additional_params additional post parameters can be specified through the additional_params field

This Example shows how to configure this option

  - uri: https://salus-config.internal2.net/salus-report
    format: json
    verbose: true
      salus_report_param_name: 'report'
        repo: 'Random Repo'
        user: 'John Doe' 

Each report hash can also specify what http verb should be used. Salus currently supports put and post. If puts is not defined, Salus defaults to use post

you can pass in headers with the corresponding key and value pairs list.

  - uri: https://salus-config.internal2.net/salus-report
    format: sarif
      Age: '12'
      X-API-Key: '{{RANDOM_API_KEY}}'

Additional options are also available for cyclonedx using the optional keyword cyclonedx_options

Options Description
cyclonedx_project_name This option allows users to specify the cyclonedx report project name.
spec_version This option allows users to specify the cyclonedx report spec version. Currently, only versions 1.2 and 1.3 are supported, with 1.3 being the default version if the parameter is not specified.
  - uri: https://salus-config.internal2.net/salus-report
    format: cyclonedx-json
      Age: '12'
      X-API-Key: ''
      cyclonedx_project_name: '/'
      spec_version: '1.3'

Additional options are also available for sarif using the optional sarif_options config

Options Description
include_suppressed This boolean option allows users to include/exclude suppressed/excluded results in their sarif reports. Currently, this is supported for NPM audit reports
  - uri: https://salus-config.internal2.net/salus-report
    format: json
    verbose: true
      salus_report_param_name: 'report'
        repo: 'Random Repo'
        user: 'John Doe' 
  - uri: file://tests/salus-report.sarif
    format: sarif
      include_suppressed: true

# scanner_configs

Defines configuration relevant to specific scanners.

      - advisory_id: "CVE-2020-2020"
        changed_by: security-team
        notes: Currently no patch exists and determined that this vulnerability is not exploitable.

# Envar Interpolation

It's sometimes useful, especially in CI clusters, to have a generalized configuration file to reference environment variables. Salus will interpolate the configuration files before parsing them. To reference an environment variable, put the name of the envar in two parentheses, {{ ENVAR_NAME }}.

project_name: "{{GITHUB_ORG}}-{{GITHUB_REPO}}-{{COMMIT_SHA}}"