# Scanner Configurations

Salus will read your salus config file The configurations on this page are available for all Salus scanners and these can be used in the salus config file to configure your desired scanners. Each scanner may also have scanner specific configuration available solely for that scanner.

You'll need to specify your scanner and its configuration in a config file to use these configurations. Here the config file used was salus.yml

    pass_on_raise: true

In your salus config file, you can add configurations for multiple salus scanners

    pass_on_raise: true
    pass_on_raise: true

# exceptions

When a CVE is present in a dependency, the best course of action is to upgrade the dependency to a patched version. However, if there is currently no patch available or it's a false positive, you can use the following configuration option to ignore a particular CVE. Salus provides an option to ignore these CVEs using the exceptions option

The advisory_id , changed_by and notes are required fields.

Option Type Description
advisory_id string CVE you want to ignore
changed_by string name of the person who made the change
notes string Any additional notes or reasons why this CVE was ignored
expiration string This is an optional field that identifies the expiration date for the exception
    - advisory_id: CVE-2090-9090
      changed_by: John Doe
      notes: Currently no patch exists and determined that this vulnerability is not exploitable.
      expiration: "2025-04-27"
    - advisory_id: CVE-2090-9091
      changed_by: John Doe
      notes: Currently no patch exists and determined that this vulnerability is not exploitable.
      expiration: "2025-05-27"

# failure_message

You can define a custom message to be shown to the developer when the given scanner fails. This is useful for pointing developers to internal security resources or teams that can help address the failure.

Example with BundleAudit configuration:

    failure_message: |
      A CVE was found in one of your gems. Please try to upgrade the offending gem.
        $ bundle update <gem name>

      If this does not resolve the error, seek advice from the security team.
      Slack channel: #security

# pass_on_raise

Some scanners are very resilient and it's rare for them to throw exceptions. Usually, this is for a good reason, like a malformed file is unparsable by the scanner and so this warrants breaking the project's build. By default, if a scanner raises an exception for whatever reason, then the scanner is considered failed as if it found an actual security issue.

However, some scanner fail frequently for reasons out of the developer's control. For example, a CVE registry might be down which means that a CVE scanner cannot update it's local DB and this causes it to raise an error. In that scenario, you might decide that Salus's overall status, and therefore the CI/CD pipeline should not fail. To allow for a scanner to be considered a pass when it raises an exception, you can provide the value true for the directive pass_on_raise. For example:

    pass_on_raise: true

# recursion

optional recusion settings.

Options Description
directory_exclusions Directories to exclude when recursing. Any matches that occur in the list of directory_exclusions will be ignored
directories Directories to recurse into. When present, any directories that need to be scanned should explicitly listed
directories_matching Dynamically identify directories to recurse into. Each entry may have a combination of filename and or content. Filename matches on the name of the file, while content matches on the content within the file.
static_files Files to copy from the root directory to recursed directories. This can be useful for mono repositories where a common file should be copied to subdirectories for proper scanning.
        - vendor
        - ./
        - payments/lhv
        - infra/sso/identity_provider
        - filename: "BUILD.bazel"
          content: "bundle//:rails"
        - filename: "package.json"
        - Gemfile
        - Gemfile.lock

# scanner_timeout_s

At times, scanners may perform scans for unacceptable lengths of time. To limit this behavior, you can define scanner_timeout_s with the number of seconds you wish the scan to last before it times out.

Example with YarnAudit configuration:

    scanner_timeout_s: 60

This will limit YarnAudit scans to 1 minute (60 seconds) in execution time.