# Bundle Audit

The Bundle Audit Scanner finds CVEs in Ruby gems included in a project.

# Configurations

In addition to the global scanner configurations, the BundleAudit scanner has specific configurations available.

The following configuration options are available for the bundle audit scanner.

# ignore

Ignore specific advisories

    ignore: CVE-YYYY-XXXX

# local_db

By default, BundleAudit pulls advisory info from ruby-advisory-db. BundleAudit also supports scanning against a local advisory DB. The config below will scan against the local DB in addition to ruby-advisory-db.

The path/to/local/database should follow the same format as the ruby-advisory-db.

This means that at the top-level, there should be a gems dir, each sub-directory inside gems should have the same name as an actual gem, and each gem directory should contain the advisory yml's.

Configuring Local Advisory Database
    local_db: path/to/local/database

# Sample Configuration for Scanner

    local_db: path/to/local/database

      - advisory_id: CVE-2018-3760
        changed_by: security-team
        notes: Currently no patch exists and determined that this vulnerability is not exploitable.
        expiration: "2021-04-27"